What Would You Give if You Could Acquire the Power of a God in this World?

What Would You Give If You Could Acquire the 12 Great Riches of Life Today?

Yes, I am serious about asking you this ultimate question. Because it is the one key to attaining everything you ever desire in life!

Most people don’t even know what they are here in this world for, and what they are capable of. The truth is, you have more power in your possession than you have ever imagined! All you need is the knowledge to access and fully use this power!

But this knowledge has been kept hidden from most people all throughout history. Why? Well simply because knowledge is power and those who have it are the ones who have power over those who don’t have it.

Sounds unfair that there would be an Elite group of people keeping such life changing knowledge from everyone else right? But it goes deeper than that! The reason why this knowledge is kept from the masses is also because most people are not ready for it. People would actually fight against such ideas vehemently when revealed to them.

Why would they do something so ridiculous as that? Because this knowledge reveals the TRUTH about Reality and WHO we REALLY ARE! It requires a serious waking up to a Whole New World that you’ve probably been blind to all along…

This knowledge gives you the ability to see what the universe really is like for once in your life! It is said that in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is KING!

Imagine how much POWER, FREEDOM and HAPPINESS you would experience if you were a master of the universe and could create whatever you wish in every area of your life! You don’t even need a genie to grant you wishes when you are a Master Genie yourself that is free from any master except yourself!

Ready to Tap into the Ultimate Power of the Universe to Create The Perfect Reality You Desire! Manifest Super Riches, Happiness and the Very Best Life You Could Ever Enjoy!”

Have you been searching for the answers to life’s greatest questions? Perhaps you have been looking to find them in the books that you’ve read, the people that you talk to and the movies that you’ve watched. You’ve probably found bits and pieces of the puzzle here and there but you still can’t put it all together or get to the essence.

Well, we have got the most awesome news you would probably ever come across in your life! Finally the complete answer to solving the mystery of life is here.

This knowledge that you are about to discover will unlock all the doorways to creating everything you ever wanted in life! Extreme Wealth, Perfect Health, Total Peace!

This is unlike anything you have ever come across because it is information that deals with the highest level of reality. This knowledge has been contained in Ancient Teachings that were considered the Most Closely Guarded Secrets from the masses at that time. But now it is finally revealed in a modern day context used in Real Life!

Read every single word of this very important message to find out how you can…To see from the highest and most fundamental place is to understand everything in life, the universe and destiny from the perspective of consciousness and reality creation. It is because consciousness is everything. It is consciousness alone that creates and directs all things.

Everything you learn is ultimately for the purpose of being able to create your reality better. When you take everything that you know and observe it from a perspective of reality creation, you will find what it really is about and how it all fits into the whole picture.

Ready to Change Your Reality to Live the 12 Great Riches of Life Today?

If not, which ones do you want to live now?

1. Economic Security – More than the possession of money alone, but by rendering services to others. Rendering the fullest possible quantity and best service.

2. Sound Physical Health – Always thinking in terms of health, not ill health. “Health Consciousness.”

3. Harmony in Human Relationships – Harmony with others is a direct extension of harmony with oneself.

4. The Capacity To Understand People – Understanding that “all human activities are inspired by one or more of the nine basic motives of life”, namely: Emotion of love, Emotion of sex/sexual desire, Desire for material/financial gain, Desire for self-preservation/ power and fame, Desire for freedom of body and mind, Desire for self-expression, Desire for perpetuation of life after death, Emotion of anger/revenge and Emotion of fear.

5. Willingness to Share One’s Blessings – True happiness though sharing.

5. A Labor of Love – Labor is the “highest form of human expression of desire”. Labor connects supply and demand. Without work, no riches or achievement are possible.

7. An Open Mind on All Subjects –The mind works like a parachute when it is open.

8. A Positive Mental Attitude – All riches begin as a state of mind. All riches start with a positive mental attitude, whether they be intangible or of a material nature.

9. The Hope of Achievement – Hope to achieve must always be kept alive.

10. The Capacity for Faith – Faith is the link between the conscious part of the mind and the universal law. Faith is the “power which transmutes the ordinary energies of thought into their spiritual equivalent.

11. Self-Discipline – Mastering self. No one may attain personal achievement and success without consistent self-mastery.

12. Freedom from Fear – Poverty, Criticism, Ill-health, Loss of love, Loss of liberty, Old age and Death

Shape Your Reality At Will and Have Control even over Space, Time and Matter!

When you learn the Secrets of Reality Creation which is really the knowledge of God, because God or Infinite Intelligence does everything with the power of creation, you will be able to live life in this world like a god, having mastery over everything in life. Reality Creation and Manifestation It is the highest state of existence that any living being can achieve.

Here are some of the Most Powerful Secrets you will discover

  1. Learn what Mind Power really is and how you can have control over it. This is like the best power you can have above everything else, because when you are Mind Power, everything that is good just comes to you and you don’t even have to worry about problems, enemies or bad incidents coming against you. You can control fate, destiny and luck.

2. Discover the Energy of Creation and how you can use it to create anything you want in life! There is a saying by one of the old guardians of the Ancient Secrets that goes like this “He who understands the principle of vibration has grasped the scepter of POWER” Indeed, the principle is just the beginning. Learn everything else about it.

3. Know how Reality changes from moment to moment according to the Energy level that you are resonating at. Reality is not solid, it is fluid like water. In fact you have probably heard from enlightened beings of the past that the most special substance that describes the true nature of reality is Water. Learn how to bend reality at will.

4. Access the Source of All Knowledge to understand the unknown and gain awareness about the Future. This is the Key To Omniscience. All great Genius who knew things beyond their time and were able to perceive things that others around them were totally oblivious to, had unlocked this higher ability to function easily and effectively.

5. Know why The Present Moment is An ILLUSION and how you can free yourself from it in order to manifest what you truly want without the limitation of the visible world that seem to be restricting you. All Masters of Reality Creation have broken free from the bounds of Time and are free to use it for creation without entrapment.

6. Realize the Truth that Creation is ALREADY COMPLETE outside Time and Space. When you can see the universe from the Perspective of Omnipresent Time, you will be Looking at the World through the Eyes of God. Most people can’t comprehend this way of seeing, but you’ll be taught the secret knowledge to Enlightened Seeing.

7. All Creation begins from BEING. From the place of “I AM” everything that is comes forth. Learn how to Re-Create The SELF in order to turn your entire reality around from the highest level to the lowest. Most people attempt to change reality from a bottom up approach and that’s why they fail. Learn how to create from The Center.

That’s a whole lot but here are MORE of the Most Powerful Secrets

8. Remember that having the power of a god is being able to shape reality at WILL? Well, most people don’t even know what the Will really is and how they can use it to move everything that is inside and outside of themselves. You will Learn the Secret of The WILL and use it to Rule over all your Reality Creation Work as you See Fit.

9. Understand how FREEWILL falls into place in the entire workings of the universe. There is a Law of Freewill which governs how the choices and intentions of a being affects the reality of every other being. Know why your Reality Creation work will always be in harmony with this law and how you can use it to work in your full favor.

10. Know that the reason why most people only half succeed in their endeavors is because they tend to use only half their mind. The Masters who always achieve One Hundred Percent Results in every work they do, have always made sure to use their WHOLE MIND. This might be the greatest missing key you will ever discover here!

11. Now for the most ridiculous concept of all… the idea that we only need to work with the subconscious mind to create success. That is one of the biggest lies ever told and is the reason why most people are kept unconscious about the path to Mastery. The Elite of Reality Creation all know that Conscious Creation requires Total Awareness.

13. Learn all about the Key Step of Creation which has been left out in so many places that claim to teach the art and science of Manifestation. This Key Step is Taking Actual Physical Action, but there is a correct way to take action that is aligned with Intent and Higher Guidance. When you take action like this, you will never fail at all.

14. Finally, the key aspect of being a creator of your reality, is BEING IN CONTROL at ALL TIMES. This is the Major portion of the knowledge that has not been included in all other courses in Reality Creation, because this is not the usual kind of insights that are spoken of in this field. You NEED to know this in order to be THE MASTER.

15. Last but not least, discover the Highest Energy of receiving all that you intend from the universe. This is simultaneously The Ultimate Key To Happiness and Getting what you wish for! It is amazing how both the beginning and the end result of your Creation are one and the same. You can Experience Total Bliss when you exist here.

But That’s Not All There Is as there are Still Even More Secrets

16. Know what is the True Cause of All Failure. There is only ONE Cause of all Failure and it will be revealed. A Part of Reality Creation work is being in control of causes and effects. Knowledge is what gives you control. The better your knowledge, the better your control will be. Know the Failure Secret and you will Master Success.

17. Understand that there are TWO Places to Using The Power of the Universe. One is the Place of FEAR and the other is the Place of LOVE. Both can be used to create reality with enormous success, but most people do not realize the subtle difference that causes them to ultimately end up with side effects of a totally different nature.

18. Learn to live life with a state of consciousness that is Extremely Liberating and full of appreciation for every moment. This is the Magical Way of Living and Being which the grips of society and the system of the world has shut us down from experiencing. You must reconnect to this state of consciousness to live life with complete freedom!

19. Transcend the boundaries of space and time in your Reality Creation. Learn the most cutting edge explanations about The Nature of Time from Modern Quantum Physics and put them into practical use that will transform your reality in ways that used to seem impossible. Here are your godlike powers of manipulating Space Time.

20. Know what the power of Forgiving can do, and it goes beyond what mere spirituality has taught in the past. You probably have never been told this but Forgiving has an actual effect of altering the past. This is actually a Form of Time Traveling! It can be too mind boggling to reveal it here, that’s why you have to find out all about it inside.

21. Realize the Power of the Universal Flow and how it governs the motion of all things in existence. This is the Highest Power of All, and when you learn how to surrender to it, you become an unstoppable force because you’re co-creating with The Creator! This is the way to bring your desires into manifestation in the totally effortless way.

22. Finally, learn the Once and For All Explanation of why most Law of Attraction, Manifestation and Reality Creation work fails! Almost everyone you’ve ever heard explaining about this situation has totally got it wrong! Reality Creation always works and this Key Information will PROVE IT in the most indisputable way ever!

“Imagine All The Wonderful Things That You Could Do With The Knowledge, Power and Techniques of Reality Creation!”

Reality Creation Techniques helps us Master of our Finances & Security. Having Health, Harmony in Relationships, Understanding People, Sharing Our Blessings, A Labor of Love, An Open Mind, Positive Mental Attitude, Achievement, Faith, Self-Discipline, and Freedom from Fear. Being the best version of ourselves and having a positive impact on our environment. Applying Reality Creation Principles

Reality Creation Techniques helps us in Running Our Businesses, Coaching, Taekwondo, Family Time, Writing, Beach, Disneyland, or Great America Time, etc.

These are things that we don’t talk about a lot, you do not have to meditate.

If you do the following 3 steps together you’ll have personally seen the most fantastic transformations using these three techniques. The 3 Most Powerful Reality Creation Techniques

1. Acting 2. Creating 3. Imagination

These techniques are not usually discussed as primary techniques for law of attraction and reality creation. Each of these we have provided some unique techniques that you may not have heard of, using the Stanislavski method to learn about how to act, the creativity challenge to increase your creativity and using your imagination to script out your reality with Dodson’s scripting technique.

These are the examples that come from Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie to name just a few. These are the people who re-defined richness and wealth and showed how the term ‘rich’ could encompass so many other attributes apart from monetary and materialistic wealth.

Being rich is not just about having lots of money to spend and laze around throughout the day. It is about leading a life enriched with good physical, mental and emotional health so that you can look forward to each new day with vigor and are ready to face any number of challenges that life might throw in your path.

No-one can ever be happy by leading a direction-less life and likewise, if you have purpose and are clear in your objectives then you are probably the wealthiest person alive.

Ready to Live the 12 Great Riches of Life? Which One?

Something that most people fail to realize is that being rich is not all about monetary comfort – there is lot more to it than what meets the eye at first glance.

Which of the Twelve Great Riches of Life Do You Want?

 1. Positive mental attitude Yes: ___ No: ____

2. Sound physical help Yes: ___ No: ____

3. Harmony in Human Relationships Yes: ___ No: ____

4. Freedom from fear Yes: ___ No: ____

5. The hope of achievement Yes: ___ No: ____

6. The capacity for faith Yes: ___ No: ____

7. A willingness to share one’s blessings Yes: ___ No: ____

8. A labor of love Yes: ___ No: ____

9. An open mind on all subjects Yes: ___ No: ____

10. Self discipline Yes: ___ No: ____

11. The capacity to understand people Yes: ___ No: ____

12. Financial security Yes: ___ No: ____

Would A Billion Dollars Even Be Enough To Pay For The Power to Gain The Whole World and Satisfy Your Soul?

You know that there are many people who are willing to pay millions of dollars to discover the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. Countless souls wander through this world all their life and never come to the knowledge of what reality is all about.

Yet it seems you are the extremely lucky or exceptional one who happened to come across this page. Your being here does not happen to be a totally random or chance event. You are here because you intended to be here. You created this.

Therefore it is most probably your path to acquire this information that has been waiting for you all along inside. We speak in terms of probabilities because the universe is full of probable events. The ultimate factor that rules everything is CHOICE.

Choosing is how we Create Reality. You are a Creator. Choosing is the first step to everything else. Now you could make the Most Life Changing Choice here…

Of course we have chosen to share all this Most Powerful Knowledge with YOU, otherwise we would not have spoken so much about it here.

The problem is, if we were to charge too high an amount of money for it, then only the wealthy elite would be able to afford it. Even the wealthy elite would also benefit tremendously from such knowledge because not every rich person is creating their reality perfectly or experiencing all the happiness that they are still seeking after.

Imagine All The Wonderful Things That You Could Do With The Knowledge, Power and Techniques of Reality Creation!

Making seemingly impossible things happen in any area of your life or business is our specialty. Over 25,000 achievers have now used MKS Master Key Reality Creation Coaching and Systems, the world’s #1 systems, for life or business improvement. We’re grateful for this year and opportunity to serve you.

We hope you’ll deepen your practices of journaling, tracking your habits, setting your goals, and watching inspirational classes with us this year and beyond. 

Join a “Year of MKS Master Key Mastery Coaching Programs and Systems”.

  • You could achieve your most desired dreams that have been burning in your heart.
  • You could create all the money that you truly desire to have and enjoy it fully.
  • You could manifest perfect health every day of your life and never live in pain.
  • You could experience total happiness and cause the ones you love to have it too.
  • You could be free from the system of the world and never be bound by it again.
  • You could feel so good about yourself and your life that makes you the luckiest of all.
  • You could be all that you wanted to be in this life and have Total Self Actualization!
  • How about Manifesting The Dream Vocation, The Dream House, The Dream Car, The Dream life and The Dream Lover?
  • Possessing the Powers of Reality Creation, you could create something NEW or you could Recreate what already exist into that which is Perfect!
  • And the list goes on and on…

Perfection Does Exist if you Believe in it! Have you got what it takes to create it?

100% Money Back Guarantee

Since we are fully and absolutely confident that MKS Master Key Reality Creation Coaching Secrets would benefit you in the greatest possible way, we am willing to offer you a full refund of your purchase for up to 30 days if you do not think our coaching is worth many times more than the small amount of money you have given in appreciation of it.

Knowing this, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. we would gladly return you your money if you do not think our coaching is worth giving it. Just request for it within 30 days of purchasing the first coaching session and you will get a refund. You do not have to explain unless you wish to, so you can have total peace of mind with this purchase!

We have decided that since we desire to reach out to many more people with our coaching, but still charge for it at a price that does not undervalue its worth, for a Limited Time Onlywe shall reduce the price based on your ability to pay and coaching needs.

MKS Master Key Coaching Offers a FREE Discovery Session to See if Reality Creation Coaching Secrets are for You!

We know you can hardly wait to find out what MKS Master Key Reality Creation Coaching Secrets are. So why not contact us right now? If you start today, your life tomorrow and the following years will never be the same again!

MKS Reality Creation Coaching Secrets are worth MUCH more than All Other Coaching You May Have Had!

 Break Through Your Upper Limits.

We personally believe this is the best way forward if you are looking for a Breaking Through Your Upper Limits. This is for people who have a dream or desire to be financially independent and are willing to put in the hard work to do so.

Wishing you prosperity and success. Remember You Were Born To Win!!

Michael Kissinger and Sydney Reitenbach

Phone: 650-515-7545

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-kissinger-a66b214/

E-mail: mjkkissinger@yahoo.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michael.kissinger.35


Web: https://mksmasterkeycoaching.com

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