Seeking Simple-Proven Ways to to Transform Your Profitability?

Transform your business dreams… into REALITY. Your goals… into ACHIEVEMENTS. Your thinking… into RESULTS.

Create an Unfair Advantage in Business Using Simple, Easy, Powerful Strategies for Success

No matter who you are or where you come from, your education, or your network, you can defy the odds to create the business or life you want and build the life or business you’ve only dreamed about.

No Matter What & Whatever it Takes: In Today’s Economy You Must Learn and Master The Habits to Transform Your Life, Business, and Relationships”

This coaching delves into the power of habit and how it can shape our lives and relationships. It offers practical strategies and techniques for cultivating positive habits that can help us achieve our goals, whether in our personal or professional lives.

In this no-nonsense coaching to success, you’ll learn the empowering beliefs and transformative habits needed to achieve all that you want in business and in life.

You’ll discover the secrets of wildly successful people – how they think, what they say, and what they do to make their dreams come true so that you can too!

The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program offers a transparent and tough-love approach to help you conquer what’s holding you back from the life you’ve always wanted and the business you’ve always dreamed about. It coaches you and lays it all out to teach you exactly how to:

  • Break bad habits and form empowering ones
  • Master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results
  • Fail forward to get better in all you do
  • Unlock the single biggest secret to pursuing your passion
  • Leverage the power of thought
  • Bullet-proof your life, business or career

Be forewarned, The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program will not show you the easy way out – in fact, consider it the complete opposite. This is your battlefield. It’s all about dying hard to old ways and going all-in on the future person you want to become. “Wake up and do the work.”

You too can defy the odds to get everything that you want in business and in life if you are willing to follow The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program.

The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program for the Small Business

First, in a FREE Discovery Session I will assess and identify your company needs and any issue(s).

Then, having The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program as part of your desire for a new or improved small business culture will create major and permanent changes in your company plus substantially improve your results and bottom line.

We have had many years of experience working with companies across America. We have enjoyed tremendous success. Life is very good to us. We will continue to grow because every day we follow the principles in The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program. We look forward to being a very big part of the success you will experience this year and beyond.


All culture is based on habits – work culture, family culture, community culture and more. Habits are a part of our work practices, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations and are otherwise known as PARADIGMS.

It is our paradigms that dictate how we approach and react to the world around us. In a sense, a paradigm tells you that there is a game, what the game is, and how to play it successfully.

A paradigm shift, therefore, is a change to a new game, or a new set of rules … and when the rules change, your world as you know it will begin to change as well.

Culture is usually deeply rooted in long-term beliefs and values that individuals hold, and can be difficult to change. However, paradigms can be changed and changed quickly, and we should add dramatically when proper information and a process are in place.

Traditional coaching and training departments in most small businesses and corporations are rarely equipped to make these sorts of changes. To make a permanent shift in belief and perspective, particular expertise and understanding are required, and unfortunately, this expertise is usually found outside the realm of what we consider corporate or general business development training.

The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program is a very effective program that will cause a shift in understanding and awareness. The 12-session coaching program is a guide to creating greater and lasting results.

The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program is a system that will fit very well into your Company. As your coach, we will guide your team in a specific manner over a period that will make certain your objectives are accomplished.

Personal development and business development is not an event; it is a process. Committing to this process will establish your Company as the recognized leader in your marketplace.


We will personally be working with you and your people to ensure the The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program is effectively implemented. When we begin this process, we would like to sit down with you and clearly outline the following:

  1. Set the objectives and deadlines for you and your company.
  2.  The objective your team will be working toward. We will conduct 1:1 sessions with each team member to gain a better understanding of his or her role and initiatives. This will be done after the kick off session.


The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program has been carefully designed to unlock the true potential of executives and their employees. It is a powerful paradigm shifting education.

The sequence of material unfolds the process of how to master the mind and gain professional and personal success beyond where you are now. The results you and your team will experience will be an exceptional return on investment for your organization. Its interactive and proven curriculum includes modules like:

Defining and achieving goals.

• Understanding the difference between what you know and what you do. Just knowing something does not get results; you must change the behavior to change results.

 • How to understand and adapt to the unprecedented rapid changes taking place in the corporate world.

Benefits of the Program:

Session One: Worthy Ideal – Goal Setting and Achieving

Business Principle – Set the Objective

Advantages: The importance of having growth goals that inspire people in the organization. Other programs teach goal setting but do not explain how to make goals that promote quantum leaps. With Thinking Into Results, employees are encouraged to think big and set both personal and professional goals so that they are more able to set big team goals.

Benefits: When employees have big goals that inspire them, it helps move the business forward. And when a business is experiencing growth and is more successful the effects flow down: salespeople sell more, employees feel more secure because they are working with companies that are growing. There is less turnover and employees are motivated because they now see themselves as part of something bigger.

Session Two: Knowing / Doing Gap

Business Principle – Return on Investment

Advantages: Most training gives employee’s information on how to do their job. Our program changes behavior that will close the gap between what employees know and what they actually do, increasing production and the overall bottom line.

Benefits: Return on Investment from past, present and future training. When people understand the cause of non-productive behaviors and how to change them, they become more productive so profit increases. The company will not have to spend as much time on training because employees will be implementing what they already know but haven’t been doing. Efficiency and production will increase with ease.

Session Three: Infinite Mind

Business Principle – Productivity and Efficiency

Advantage: Other programs create only a temporary improvement in behavior because they do not change the root cause of that behavior, which are the paradigms (belief and a multitude of behavioral habits and patterns). What we will be doing will create permanent change by identifying and taking planned steps that will change habits and get teams to work together to replace negative group patterns with positive, more productive ones. When this is accomplished, a company culture of productivity and growth is developed.

Benefits: Employee will be turning their non-productive habits into productive habits. They will become more efficient and productive in their job, which leads to an increase in the bottom line for the company and a reduction in turnover plus an increase in retention and performance.

Session Four: The Secret Genie

Business Principle – Peak performance of employees, return on individuals.

Advantages: Other programs do not teach the root cause of success, so any changes that result from these programs are temporary. Without knowledge of how the mind works behavior changes of employees is temporary. With Thinking into Results, Employees take a close look at their daily habitual actions to see where they can become more productive.

Benefits: Team performance is improved through increased productivity of each individual. Employees and teams can break free from past results and habitual behaviors. Productivity and efficiency increase as employees and teams work better together.

Session Five: Thinking into Results

Business Principle – Innovation and proactive thinking

Advantages: This module teaches people how to think and how to analyze their thinking. This helps them realize past results reflect past thinking and to change what they are currently getting they must change their thinking. This helps employees take responsibility for their behavior and their results.

Benefits: helps teams to develop creative innovative solutions to problems. Employees see problems as opportunities to strengthen the team, the company, and create the desired results, which can be measured in the increase of success. Helps move negative situations that are stuck and have persisted for a while into resources and measurable desired results.

Session Six: Environment is but our Looking Glass

Business Principle – Creating power teams.

Advantages: Employees will understand that to be more productive they must change their image of themselves. Teams are strengthened through the emphasis of cooperation rather than competition as everyone makes a commitment to improve the function of the team.

Benefits: Teams become more productive as they improve their team image. Teams focus less on what the competition is doing and more on what they can achieve as a team. Competition within the team is transformed to cooperation and working in harmony.

Session Seven: Trample the Terror Barrier

Business Principle – Overcoming barriers to success.

Advantages: Employees and teams usually don’t voice their fears and doubts so these issues don’t get addressed. This program creates an open environment for people to talk about fears which is the first step in understanding and replacing them with thoughts that serve the goal. Teams also explore their collective thinking so they can see how they are limiting themselves.

Benefit: As employees overcome personal fears they can create effective teams. As they overcome personal fears they can help other members of the team overcome their fears so that all team members are more productive and forward thinking, more able to think of creative solutions to problems. This way teams are moving forward into more significant actions, and the individual performance of each person is boosted.

Session Eight: The Power of Praxis

Business Principle – Aligning actions and results with company vision.

Advantages: Employees can see the connection between their belief and behavior. When they change from non-productive to productive actions, their results can then match the company mission and goals. Underlying beliefs are brought out in the open so that employees can change. Other programs may not give this chance for growth because they focus on teaching different behavior, but if employees are not made aware of the congruency of their beliefs, they still may not practice the new behavior.

Benefits: Employees are responsible for helping create a vision of a perfectly function team that is reaching its potential. That means they will feel ownership for the results of the team and will be catalysts for moving the team and company goals forward in a powerful way.

Session Nine: The Magic Word – Attitude

Business Principle – The attitude and mindset of high producing teams

Advantages: In comparison with other programs, TIR gives a very complete definition of attitude. This lesson really explains what it is, how important it is in getting the results you want and how to change it.

Benefits: Focused teams that have their thoughts, beliefs and actions aligned will be more productive and efficient. They learn the importance and the way to create and maintain a positive attitude regardless of the situation. They will accomplish more in a shorter period of time so they will be more efficient.

Session Ten: The Most Valuable Person

Business Principle – Effective Leadership

Advantages: Helps employees develop qualities of leadership in addition to being able to also be a good follower. Emphasizes the creation of a positive environment where employees are appreciated for the work they do. There is an emphasis on teamwork up and down the line.

Benefits: Creates cooperation among team members and a positive work environment. Allows team members to emerge in leadership roles which strengthen the team overall. Strengthen and develops leadership and improves communication between teams and leaders. Leaders guide their employees consistently in a way that brings measurable results for employees and your clients.

Session Eleven: Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase

Business Principle – Profit through Service

Advantages: Emphasizes service to others. Promotes a high standard of performance for all levels in the company – leaders and employees are encouraged to do more and give more than they are paid for. Creates a culture of giving more than expected. Your clients will seek you and your services out because of the service provided.

Benefits: Your team will look for ways to make customers and other team members feel valued and appreciated. This results in satisfied customers that continue doing business with the company. You will see cohesive internal departments and great company morale.

Session Twelve: Magnifying the Mind

Business Principle – Team Problem Solving

Advantages: Other programs show how to make incremental changes. This program lays out the steps for a quantum leap leading to dramatic results in performance. It introduces guidelines to create teams of people who work with understanding and in harmony towards achieving a unified goal. This process creates results in a magnified way that is free from struggle and confusion.

Benefits: Employees are shown ways to sustain success, so they keep getting better and better at what they are doing. Magnifying the Mind results in employees and teams that are focused and empowered with unprecedented increases in performance that you will be able to measure.

Program Facilitator

Michael Kissinger-

Michael is is the creator of Reitenbach-Kissinger Institute. He Helps and Empowers CEOs, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs & US Veterans Become UNSTOPPLEABLE in Business or Life or Career. He is a Coach ★Strategist ★Expert ★Author ★Helping 10K+ Businesses Solve Problems. 650-515-7545

He specializes in delivering high-impact, practical and integrated training and coaching. He has taught business owners, entrepreneurs, individuals and teams in across America how to reprogram their mind for success.

He is passionate about building self-awareness in organizations and individuals globally. He is well regarded for his ability to empower individuals and organizations to make their personal and professional goals a reality.

His coaching and workshops can be tailored to your specific needs to ensure you and your organization moves from where you are to where you want to be.

He believes that as an individual makes personal shifts, organizations also begin to shift, resulting in increased employee engagement, enhanced leadership capabilities, uplift in sales and a winning edge in the market place.

He is on a mission to help organizations and individuals thrive and to be an integral part in building a world where more people experience exponential growth through self mastery.

He see’s self mastery as the cornerstone to peak performance and knows that through self awareness, people finally step up in life causing a positive ripple affect in their organization, business, career, team, family, social circles, community and the world we all live in.

With his skills and expertise, Michael provides an abundance of knowledge and experience to his clients and his mission is to help clients unleash their full potential and achieve their organizational and personal goals.


Reitenbach-Kissinger Institute teach organizations large and small how to unlock the hidden potential of their people helping them achieve personal mastery, group flow, and open the door to limitless possibilities.

To make bold moves and leverage people in your organization for exponential growth it’s essential to understand mindset, it is after all the built in feature that creates optimal performance in individuals and teams.

It is mindset that determines the level of contribution people make to the bottom line, it not only affects how everyone responds to your vision and leadership, it is also influencing the culture, innovation, sales and employee engagement levels.

Reitenbach-Kissinger Institute specializes in developing optimal performance mindsets and increased self awareness. We have developed, and work within, our Peak Performance Framework to offer, design and implement world class programs.

We will show you how to uncover and change outdated paradigms, glitches in thinking, unhealthy unconscious bias and limiting self talk within individuals and teams. Understanding, identifying and transforming these ingrained blocks significantly increases everyone’s ability to experience exponential growth and peak performance

Reitenbach-Kissinger Institute has worked across America to help shift mindsets and move people from where there are now to where they REALLY want to be.

What Makes the MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results Coaching Program so Extraordinarily Effective?

Immediate Impact

You won’t have to wait for the benefits of this remarkable personal coaching program to kick in. Because it engages your mind at both the conscious and subconscious level. Your mind will start absorbing and responding to this information as soon as it receives it. In fact, you will experience a quantum leap in your results from the first moment you begin this personal coaching program.

Strategic Repetition

The impact of each individual phase in the The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results coaching Program process is maximized via the power of repetition – the first and most important law of learning – which causes a fundamental alteration of the mental processes that create your results. Through this targeted repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to long-term prosperity and abundance.

Lifelong Application

With each new goal you realize, you’ll find yourself aspiring to ever-higher levels of achievement and fulfillment. Your desire to be, do and have more never should and never will diminish – and neither will the power of this system. With it, you will permanently possess the power to get ANYTHING you truly want, in any area of your life, for the rest of your life.

In-depth Individual Lessons

Focus intensively on a single-essential element of the achievement process, with each personal coaching session building upon the insights of the last

Worksheets and Activities

The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results coaching Program challenge you to immediately apply what you learn, so you see and feel yourself changing, processing and moving closer to your goal in real time.

Dynamic DVDs

Viewed twice a day, morning and evening, motivate you and reinforce the session content at multiple levels of consciousness – a critical key to achieving change quickly and making it permanent.

Live personal coaching sessions

60-90 minutes each week, The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results coaching Program gives you the support, encouragement, answers and expert guidance you need to keep moving forward on your journey to achievement.

Where Could You be 24 Weeks From Now?

The answer will astonish you.

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.”– Thomas Edison

Whether you know exactly what you want to achieve or simply know that you want something more than what you currently have, The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results Coaching Program will open your mind to all that you are capable of doing… then empower you to DO it.

Decide right now to astonish yourself with what you can become. What you can do. What you can have. Start using the MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results coaching Program, and start moving from where you are in life to where you really WANT to be.

24 weeks will fly by before you know it. But the change you’ll experience will last forever.


“Quality is not expensive, it’s priceless.”

The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program is a very comprehensive program. This investment will be the best investment you ever make in your team, and the value is immeasurable. Think about what it has cost you so far trying to get the results you want. Each team member will receive a full set of materials with their own online access. We will be personally working with you and your Team for 24 weeks.


For a company to succeed in the new economy, they must innovate rather than compete. The company of the future will attract effective people by creating a pleasant environment that is conducive to the unfoldment of their potential.

Every individual has paradigms that must be changed to function in the new economy effectively. The old, conditioned attitudes and behavioral patterns that are being dragged into the future by most people are the cause of much of the grief that management and agency forces are presently experiencing.

The The MKS Master Key Thinking into Results Coaching Program program has all of the ingredients required to reach your personal and business goals.

Your investment in this program will provide you with both a significant short term and long term return. When we are asked ‘What is the cost of this program’ our question is ‘Do you mean if you do it or if you don’t do it?’ How do you measure lost opportunity?


The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results Coaching Program Opportunities

Hate your current position? Why would you want to continue working in an environment you despise. You can make a change!

We are looking for existing life or business coaches, with at least one year of experience, and experienced business owners that are looking to become a business coach.

We are in need of people who love training others as they continue to learn themselves. We are products of the products that have changed us in health, relationships, business, coaching, and finance. We love Personal and Business Development.

So that you can fully understand the The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results Coaching Program Opportunity, Please read the full following before replying:

People who realize that self-employment offers a world of flexibility and independence would be interested in this role.

Computer savvy is a must

Being bilingual is a plus.

The coaches that are a fit for The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results coaching Program have fun-loving personalities, are great team players, have a passion for seeing small business owners succeed, and must be willing and able to learn!

Our coaches provide one on one and group coaching. We begin our coaching with personal development training and business development training focused on pre-startup, moving on to startups and small businesses.

We cover business development, marketing/PR, and sales and we throw in some mindset so we don’t make any heads explode with too much content.

We have a very strict casual-only dress code and a super chill and laid-back environment. If this sounds like the right fit for you, please contact us for a FREE Discovery Session prior to applying. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Opportunity:

  • Become a part of a global multi-billion dollar community that is positive and encouraging
  • Use your out-of-the-box creativity to enhance yourself and your the team
  • Even if you have no experience with Personal Development or owning your own business, we offer 24/7 training that never ends
  • Have you always seen yourself as an individual who thinks independently of the crowd? This is for you.
  • Part Time or Full Time- your choice
  • No Pressure Selling or Cold Calling…people contact you because they are interested
  • This position is for Direct Profits from Sales; no salary is included
  • Potential earnings range from $500 to $50,000+ monthly bdepending on your skills and abilities.


  • Talk to potential clients, provide information and have them join the team.
  • Become a student of the personal and business development services and products so that you can grow as an individual while helping others
  • Follow our proven The MKS Master Key Thinking Into Results coaching Program and System
  • Interacting & participating in training programs in person or using the zoom platform
  • Potential clients who request information are contacted via phone, text, email, and zoom

Your Personal Assets to Be Successful:

  • You give your all to any project for which you feel passionate
  • You are highly motivated to set goals and achieve them
  • You love talking to others and sharing information
  • You get excited about doing something new that greatly interests you
  • You love to have or have your own business
  • You are proficient in English

Is this Industry and Opportunity Right For You?

If you are interested in joining us for a five to ten minute initial interview to see if we match up with what we are looking for, please contact us now.

Let’s chat soon if You Want Replaced Any of Your Negative Thinking with Incredible Results.

Interested? Join us.

Sydney Reitenbach

Michael Kissinger

Phone: 650-515-7545 



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