Live a Transformed Life for the Better Applying Bible

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People Are Changed By God’s Word … Discover How the Bible can Change Your Life

I have witnessed so many examples of how the Bible can change your life. You Are The Power The more I invest in reading and studying the Bible the closer I grow to God and understand His story and experience Godly contentment. Neville Goddard – The Bible Is All About You (with discussion)

How the Bible can change your life is best explained through scripture. The Power of I AM – by David Allen: Chapter 1

Four Major Benefits of Reading the Bible

  1. Bible Verses for Comfort

Reading the Bible in conjunction with prayer and singing worship songs provides deep comfort to my soul.

When I am feeling a sense of disappointment, discouragement, or despair, I turn to a few Bible verses to find comfort.

How the Bible can change your life? It affirms how much God cares for you and brings supernatural peace and comfort to your soul. Neville Goddard This Is My Name Forever I AM (with discussion)

Psalm 34:18 “The  Lord  is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Psalm 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”

John 14:1 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”

  1. Bible Verses for Wisdom

When we sit down to read the Bible with the intention of learning and gaining wisdom, God shows up, and we gain a deeper understanding of who He is. Neville Goddard – I Am The Lord (with discussion)

Here are a few scriptures that remind me of the wisdom available through Jesus in the Bible.

How the Bible can change your life? It provides wisdom and guidance.

Proverbs 2:6 “For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Colossians 3:16 “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives.”

James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”

  1. Bible Verses for Strength

After fasting, Jesus is tempted in the wilderness, and each time He is tempted He uses scripture to find strength and resist the enemy. His strength is available to us through reading the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

When you feel like giving up, God’s words can help you persevere.

How the Bible can change your life? It provides strength and courage to keep going and be encouraged. The Hidden Power And Other Lessons By Emmet Fox (Unabridged Audiobook)

Philippians 4:13 “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

Isaiah 41:10 “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Exodus 15:2 “The  Lord  is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him” ”my father’s God, and I will exalt him!”

1 Corinthians 10:13  “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”

  1. Bible Verses about Connecting with God

The greatest benefit of studying the Bible is a stronger connection and relationship with Jesus. The more time we spend reading the Bible the stronger our identity in Christ becomes. Neville Goddard Truth

When we walk confidently in our identity, we are able to love and forgive others, and our gifts and mission become clear. Also the closer we grow to Christ the more we desire to read His word.

How the Bible can change your life? The greatest benefit is a stronger connection with God. Neville Goddard The Bible Is Addressed To Your Imagination (with discussion)

Hebrews 11:6 “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”

John 1:1 “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John 1:14 “So the Word became human  and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”

Turning to the Bible during times of struggle, to gain wisdom, or to connect with God, helps us understand and experience how the Bible can change your life.

The Bible and a love for its words are a natural extension of our desire to honor the great sacrifice of Christ and know Him better.

The Power of the Bible

It is a difficult concept to embrace but God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the words of God (the Bible) are all connected. When we read the Bible, this Holy connection with God feels like someone is talking directly to us through the anointed words.

Have you ever felt God speaking to you through the Bible? I have. Neville Goddard The Bible Your Biography (with discussion)

The Bible has changed my life through the stories and hopes found in its words. I have felt lost and unable to find comfort. I have opened the Bible and suddenly read scripture that brought guidance and peace.

The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the inspired words of the Bible. When we deny ourselves the power of the Bible we are also missing out on an important way we hear God’s voice. The Bible is like a loud speaker for God’s voice in our life.

I can’t begin to count the number of times the power of the Bible is made evident to me by an answered question, answered prayer, new revelation, or clarity on a decision; that is how the Bible can change your life.

What Happens When you Read the Bible Every Day?

Many things in life are hard to totally understand until you experience them for yourself; such as marriage, parenthood, grief, and loss. Neville Goddard Truth

What happens when you read the Bible every day? Similar to other habits, we don’t understand or realize the impact it will have until we start reading the Bible every day and make it part of our daily routine.

If we think about what we do every day (what we see, hear, taste, and smell), there are positive and negative life consequences to our choices. Our diet, exercise, and the people who surround us are good examples of daily investments that produce either positive or negative consequences.

“People are creatures of habit, and routines offer a way to promote health and wellness through structure and organization. Having a routine can greatly improve your health. Everyone is unique.

Not everyone requires a fully scheduled day to reap the health benefits of a routine, so make the choices that work for you, knowing they’ll only make you healthier and more efficient with your time.” Northwestern Medicine

Reading the Bible every day has amazing positive consequences on our hearts, mind, and soul!

We can experience spiritual growth even if reading the Bible comes from a heart of obligation; that is how powerful God’s word is. But when we read the Bible and pray from a heart of love and desire to know Jesus, we grow, change, and become more like Christ. This is how we see a change in our life. Neville Goddard – Moses, Elijah And Jesus (with discussion)

“Read your Bible daily.  Do not be content to skim through a chapter merely to satisfy your conscience. Hide the Word of God in your heart. It comforts, guides, corrects, and encourages; all we need is there.” Billy Graham

“These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”

Acts 17:11 NKJV

The Bible is one continuous story filled with adventure, heroes and villains, triumph and defeat, good and evil, love and jealousy, plot twists and ultimately, a happy ending. As you read each of the short Bible stories along the way, you begin to see how the Bible stories combine to form the structure of the one big story. The individual characters and their experiences of tragedy and triumph draw you into their Bible stories and help you see the overarching themes of cosmic love, judgment and redemption.

How the Bible Can Change Your Life and Understanding the Power Found in God’s Words

26 Bible stories from the Old Testament and 26 from the New Testament

Telling stories is an effective way of communicating ideas so you remember them. Immersing yourself into the 26 Bible stories from the Old Testament and 26 from the New Testament helps you to understand and internalize the character of God, the splendor of his creation, his love for humans, the evil and destructiveness of sin, the wonder of the plan of redemption and the completeness of restoration at the end of history.

Each of these stories can be considered as Bible stories for kids because the plot and main teaching of the story is something that most children will understand. They are also Bible stories for youth and adults because if you are wise, the examples you see and the lessons you learn will guide you for a lifetime.

Lecture 1

Creation and God

Genesis 1 is the foundational chapter for the entire Bible. It not only tells us how everything started, but it establishes the basic teaching on who God is and who we are in relationship to him.

Lecture 2

Creation and Us

On the sixth day of creation we learn that people are the apex of creation, stamped with the image of God. This is the source of human dignity, and it is why we pursue spiritual growth, so we will look more like him.

Lecture 3

The Fall

Genesis 3 describes how Adam and Eve sinned, how their sin broke the relationship with God for them and for all people, and God’s promise of a redeemer.

Lecture 4

The Flood

Genesis 6–9 is not a children’s story. It shows God’s anger against our sin, and yet also shows that he is a redeeming God. Like Noah, it challenges us to step out in faith.

Lecture 5

Abraham’s Covenant

Genesis 12:1–15:6 focuses on one man, Abraham, who is part of the fulfillment of the promise God made in the Garden to redeem humanity. Abraham must do two things: believe, and act on that belief. When he does, God makes an eternal covenant with him and with all his descendants, Israel and the church. We too must follow the pattern of our father: believe, and act on that belief.

The authors of the New Testament refer to Abraham as the person with whom God made the covenant as the father of the nation of Israel. At the time God established the covenant, the man’s name was Abram. God changed it later to Abraham and that’s how he is referred to in subsequent references.

Lecture 6


The story of Joseph in Genesis 37–50 is an account of God’s faithfulness to his promises to Abraham, his omnipotence (all-powerful), and his omniscience (all-knowing). Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, but God worked through their evil to accomplish good — the salvation of the entire nation of Abraham’s descendants. We too are called to faith in God’s promises.

Lecture 7

Moses and the Plagues

In Exodus 7:14–Exodus 10, we read of God’s salvation of the Israelite nation. The Egyptians had enslaved them, but through Moses God punished the Egyptians with ten plagues and secured the Israelite’s freedom. God is faithful to his promises, and all praise and honor go to him.

Lecture 8

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20, are not rules to follow, but they give form and structure to how our love for God (the Shema) should manifest itself in how we treat God and others.

Lecture 9

The Presence of God

Moses wants to see God. Exodus 33 contains the account of how God could not let Moses see him or Moses would have died; but he does allow Moses to see the back of his glory. This is the essence of Christianity: a desire to see God. After all, God created us to have fellowship with us. We were created for community with him.

Lecture 10

The Holiness of God (Leviticus)

The book of Leviticus is consumed with the holiness of God, that he is separate from all sin. The sacrificial system teaches us that sin violates God’s rules, which extracts the high cost of death.  But Leviticus also teaches us that God forgives, that a sacrifice can pay the penalty of our sin (if we repent), and in so doing prepares us for the cross of Jesus.

Lecture 11

Sold Out to God (the Shema)

The Shema is the central affirmation of the Old Testament: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). It calls us to rigorous monotheism in which we refuse to worship idols of any shape.

Lecture 12

Faith is Not Genetic (Judges)

The book of Judges shows the necessity of covenant renewal, how each generation must decide for itself if it will follow God. Once the Israelites were given the Promised Land, for the most part they failed to renew the covenant and failed to receive the blessings from God. The same is true of our own families.

Lecture 13

God is King

I Samuel tells of the shift from the nation being ruled by Judges to that of a king. Israel was supposed to be a theocracy, a kingdom ruled by God, and so the people’s desire for a king was a rejection of God. Saul, the first king, did not learn the lesson that God is still king, and what matters for us is to remain faithful. Unfortunately, many people make the same mistake as Saul.

Update: When Dr. Mounce refers to “theodicy” at the first of the lecture, he means, “theocracy.” We have updated the outline and the transcription. We will update the audio when we are able.

Lecture 14

David and Goliath

This is not a story primarily about a young man defeating a great warrior (I Samuel 16-17). It is an account of how faith propels us to trust God, no matter what the appearances.

Lecture 15

God’s Provision and Protection (Psalm 23)

Psalm 23 is David’s cry of faith that his divine Shepherd will provide and protect him in all situations, and that God is lavish in his love for his sheep.

Lecture 16

Confrontation and Confession (Psalm 51)

Psalm 51 gives the pattern for true biblical confession, which admits our own guilt and God’s justice, makes no excuses, and appeals not to our good works but to God’s mercy.

Lecture 17

The Wise and Foolish (Solomon)

Solomon was the wisest of all people, and yet he died a fool because he ignored his own advice (Proverbs). It is not enough to know the truth; you have to do it. Wisdom begins with knowing that God knows best.

Lecture 18

Suffering and Faith in God (Job)

Job learned that bad things happen to good people and bad people alike. The question is, will you continue to trust God in the difficult times? Is he worthy of our trust when we don’t know all the answers and our lives are filled with pain?

Lecture 19

Elijah and Syncretism

1 Kings 14–18 tells the story of Elijah and his battle with false religion. The word of the day was “syncretism,” the mixing of two religions. In our day, we are faced with the same challenge, especially the mixing of Christianity and secular culture. Elijah challenges us to not have divided hearts or divided loyalties.

Lecture 20

Isaiah and the Holiness of God

Isaiah 6:1-8 tells us of Isaiah’s visit to God’s throne, and there we learn the true meaning of worship: the cycle of revelation and response. As God reveals himself to us, and we must respond appropriately. It asks the question, ”How big is your God?”

Lecture 21

Isaiah and the Suffering Servant

Isaiah 52–53 give us one of the most exact and theologically helpful looks into the death of Christ. Isaiah prophecies about a servant who was to come, whom God would punish for our sins. This, of course, is a prophecy about Jesus. Here we learn that there is no sin God cannot forgive, and that peace comes not from within ourselves but from outside, from God.

Lecture 22

Micah, Judgment and Salvation

Micah prophesied three sets of what we call a “Woe” (judgment”) and “Weal” (restoration). The Israelites believed all they had to do was go through the external motions of worship, and then they could live any way they wanted the rest of the week. This brings judgment, but with judgment God promises a future restoration.

Lecture 23

Hosea and Unfaithfulness to God

Hosea prophesied to people who were caught in persistent sin. Their sin caught them in a downward spiral beginning with idolatry and enforced by luxury. But even at the bottom of spiral, after the people have experienced the necessary punishment, God is still present to forgive. Sinners are called “whores,” living unfaithful lives.

Lecture 24

Habakkuk, Righteousness and Faith

Habakkuk asks the question of why do the wicked appear to flourish and the righteous suffer. At the root of his question is whether or not God is righteous. Because Habakkuk asks in faith, God answers his question by telling him to wait. Eventually, the wicked are punished and the righteous are rewarded. In the meantime, the righteous person lives by their faith that God is a righteous God. 

Lecture 25

The New Covenant

Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied before and during the exile, when God’s people were conquered by the Babylonians, preaching God’s judgment as well as the promise of hope. The hope was the New Covenant where God’s law would be written on the person’s heart and empowered through the work of God’s Spirit.

Lecture 26

Lamentations, Confession and Faith

The book of Lamentations teaches us that there is an end to God’s patience with sin. It is a national lament in which Israel expresses their deep sorrow over sin. It starts by being honest about the cause of sin, not blaming anyone but themselves. But it concludes by expressing their faith in the God who forgives.

Lecture 27

The Birth of Jesus

Back in Genesis 3:15, God promised to do something about sin. The Old Testament shows God working to keep his promise, a promise that is eventually fulfilled in Jesus Christ. But unlike popular expectation, Jesus was more than just a human being. He was fully God at the same time he was fully human. But it is not enough to know these facts; you must receive God’s blessing in order to walk in relationship with God.

Lecture 28

John the Baptist

The Old Testament ends on a note of promise, that God would send Elijah to prepare the people for their coming savior, the Messiah. This Elijah turns out to be John the Baptist, who prepares the people by teaching them about repentance. Much to their surprise, the people learned that being born Jewish was of no advantage, and that they too had to learn that they have nothing of value to offer God if they are to enter his kingdom.

Lecture 29

Nicodemus and Rebirth

Perhaps the most common term used about Christians is being “born again,” or “reborn.” This comes from the account of the Jewish leader Nicodemus. Jesus tells him that if he is to enter God’s kingdom, he cannot get there naturally, through what he can do. Only the supernatural work of God’s Spirit in making us new — so new that it is a rebirth — can accomplish our salvation. All this is explained by the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16.

Lecture 30


Do you want to be blessed by God? Jesus tells us how this happens with eight statements at the beginning of his famous “Sermon on the Mount.” Contrary to popular belief, blessing comes through recognizing our spiritual depravity, mourning over our sin, and as a result being meek, pure in heart, and pursuing peace. How will the world respond? It will persecute you, which is also a blessing.

Lecture 31

The Lord’s Prayer

Jesus teaches us that prayer begins with us orienting ourselves to our heavenly father, being most concerned with his glory and the advance of his kingdom, and concludes with our admission of total dependence on him for our physical and spiritual needs. Prayer is primarily about God.

Lecture 32

Seeking God

Worry carries the illusion that we have some control and that worry can accomplish something. Of course, it can do no such thing. Disciples are to have unwavering loyalty to God. As we see Gods care of his creation, we can rest assured that he will also care for us. Our focus is to be on his kingdom and his righteous; in return, he will simply give us what we need.

Lecture 33

The Deity of Christ

Many years before Christ, God told Moses that his name is “I AM.” Jesus picks this name up to assert that he is in fact the Great I AM, and as such he says things like, “I am the bread of life,” “I am the light of the world.” The mystery of the Trinity is that there is one God, and yet God is three – Father, Son, Spirit. This is difficult to understand, and yet we should not expect to know everything there is to know about God.

Lecture 34


When Jesus calls us to follow him, as one person has said, he bids us come and die. Die to our personal ambitions, and live daily as one who has died to himself and lives for God. Only disciples are in heaven.

Lecture 35

The Greatest Commandment

What is the single most important thing you can do? What is the central thing required of us by God? It is to love him him with everything we are. Our love must be emotional (not just obedience) and it must be personal (loving God and not things about him). But if we love God, we must then love our neighbor.

Lecture 36


Two major events await the disciples: the destruction of the temple and Jesus’ return. There will be signs, warning them to flee Jerusalem, which happened in A.D. 70. But there are no warning signs for when Jesus will return and this age will end. The disciple’s role is not to wonder about when this will happen — not even Jesus knows — but to live a life of preparedness.

Lecture 37

The Holy Spirit

In Jesus’ last teaching before his death and resurrection, among other things he taught the disciples about the coming Spirit who will convict the world of its sin, show the world Jesus’ righteousness, and convict the world of its coming judgment. We know this “Spirit” to be the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.

Lecture 38

The Lord’s Supper

The greatest act of salvation before the cross was God freeing the Israelites from Egypt. To celebrate that event, God instituted the Passover celebration, commemorating God’s graciousness act of passing over the Israelite houses and killing the first-born of only the Egyptian homes. But now God is about to perform and even greater salvation event, Jesus dying on the cross. Christians are to celebrate Passover not looking back to Egypt but looking at Jesus’ death and forward to his eventual return.

Lecture 39

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

The death and resurrection of Jesus is the culmination of not only Jesus’ life but of all history to that point. Jesus died on the cross so that we can be friends of God, and he was shown to have conquered death by his resurrection from the grave. The temple curtain, which symbolized the separation between God and people, was torn in two, from the top to the bottom, and we can now live in direct relationship with God.

Lecture 40

The Great Commission

Jesus’ final act on earth was to commission his followers. Their central mission is to make disciples. They are to make new disciples by sharing the gospel and baptizing them; and they are to make fully-devoted disciples by teaching people to obey everything Jesus taught. Because God is sovereign over all, we must do this. Because he will never leave us, we are able to do this.

Lecture 41


During the Jewish festival of Pentecost, 50 days after Passover, Jesus’ promise was fulfilled and the Holy Spirit came and empowered all of Jesus’ followers, giving them supernatural power to, among other things, speak in human languages they had not learned. Peter explains the phenomena as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and then preaches the basic message found throughout Acts: Jesus lived, died, was raised form the dead, and therefore all people are called to repent of their misunderstanding of who Jesus is.

Lecture 42

The Church

The church is not a building or an activity. The church is the sum total of all true believers. Christ is the head. We are the body. We are a family. We are the temple of God, the place that he inhabits.

Lecture 43

Justification by Faith

Justification is the doctrine of being declared not guilty of our sins. It is a work of God alone; we do not help. In Romans 1:16–17 and 3:21–26, Paul makes it clear that this declaration of righteousness is based not on what we do (“works”) but on what we believe about Jesus (“faith”), that Jesus did on the cross for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Lecture 44

The Grace of Giving

We are not only saved by God’s grace, but his grace continues to sustain us throughout our life. One way that God’s grace shows itself is in how we give, financially. God’s grace enables to to both want to give and to be able to give. If someone is not giving, they should wonder about the condition of their heart and why God’s grace is not active in it.

Lecture 45

Christian Joy

In Romans 5–8, Paul reminds us of the many reasons why we are joyful. We are at peace with God. We are reconciled to him. We have been set free from sin. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives within us. We are adopted into God’s family, assured that we are his children. This is the joy of the righteous life.

Lecture 46


Paul wants the church in Philippi to understand humility. They should agree on one central focus, and that is a humility that stems from a right understanding of who you are in Christ. As an example, we look no further than Jesus, who is God, lowering himself to be human, and in return being exalted. In response, we should take great care at working out the implications of what it means to be saved.

Lecture 47


Christians are people of the book. We believe that all of Scripture came from the very mouth of God. It is true in all it affirms and authoritative over our lives. The challenge is to come to the point where you really believe this.

Lecture 48

Assurance and Perseverance

The book of Hebrews is a deep theological study on the superiority of Christ over everyone and everything else. Interspersed throughout the teaching are the “Warning” passages in which the author encourages his readers to not fall away from their faith. If people do leave the Christian faith, they can have no assurance that they truly are Christians.

Lecture 49

The Tongue

James tells us that there is nothing more difficult to control than  the tongue. It destroys people’s reputation, often under the guise that what is being said is accurate. We are hurt, so we verbally lash out. We want to be well thought of, so we feign piety. The only way to gain any victory over the tongue is to work on the heart, since it is out of the heart that the mouth speaks. Unfortunately, gossip often is the natural language of the church, but there can be victory.

Lecture 50

Suffering and Heaven

1 Peter asks one of the fundamental question of life is, how can an all-powerful, all-good God allow pain and suffering. It helps us grapple with this question by pointing our attention to the realities of our lives, especially the fact that we are exiles on earth and our true home is heaven. We are to recognize in the midst of suffering that God is still at work for our good.

Lecture 51

Christian Love

The letter we call 1 John is primarily about love. We have been loved by God, and so we should love others as well. Love is not  some simplistic emotion but it involves action: God loved us and therefore sent his Son. Love is the giving of oneself for the benefit of the other.

Lecture 52


The Bible closes with the prophecy of how all things will end. While there are many questions as to the precise meaning of this book, it’s central message is crystal clear. God will not keep us from suffering and persecution; it is going to get worst; God calls us to be faithful in the midst of our pain. If we are faithful to the end, we will be rewarded. This is what we are waiting for, a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no pain, no sorrow, no sin. The Garden of Eden will be restored, at last. We were created for fellowship with God, and we long for the day when Jesus will return again and take us home.

12 of the Best Stories from the Bible Everyone Should Know

The Bible contains many well-known stories, but how much do we know about them? And what are the best Bible stories everyone should know? Many people, even those raised in countries where Sunday school and religious assemblies are a mainstay of many children’s education, may find they’ve misremembered, or got the wrong impression about, some of the iconic tales from the Old and New Testament.

Below, we introduce a dozen of the best, and best-known, Bible stories, and provide links to further information about each.

If you would like to learn more about the Bible, you might find our explanation of some of the best-known quotations from the Bible of interest too.

1. Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man.

According to Oscar Wilde, ‘The Book of Life begins with a man and a woman in a garden. It ends with Revelations.’ But as with many stories from the Bible, there are many things we get wrong about that ‘man and woman in a garden’, Adam and Eve. Where was the Garden of Eden? And was Eden the name of the garden of merely the location of it? What did the serpent represent, and what was the forbidden fruit hanging from the Tree of Knowledge?

In the post linked to above, we address these questions and provide some very surprising answers to them …

2. Cain and Abel.

The story of Cain and Abel is the next major story in the Bible, after the Creation account and the story of the Garden of Eden. Cain dispatches his younger brother Abel and is exiled for his crime.

But is the story ‘just’ a moral tale, or might it be an attempt to explain something deeper about the development of human civilisation?

3. Noah’s Ark and the Flood.

What’s an ‘ark’, and why is it that only Noah’s boat is known by this name? And what was gopher wood, the mysterious material from which the ark was supposedly made?

The Biblical account of the Flood, in the Book of Genesis, is similar to the older Babylonian accounts of a Great Flood. These texts, written much earlier, include the Epic of Gilgamesh, which predates the earliest known Old Testament account by more than a millennium.

If you think Noah took two of every animal onto the Ark (he didn’t), or that it rained for forty days and forty nights, the link provided above will help to set you straight on one of the most universally known (and misunderstood/misrepresented) Bible stories.

4. The Tower of Babel.

In many ways, the Tower of Babel is a kind of ‘just so’ story about how the world came to have many languages. It occurs in the Book of Genesis, not long after the account of the Flood.

Like the Garden of Eden story, the tale of the Tower of Babel is also about man overreaching himself: the descendants of Noah build their tower in Babel because they want to create something lasting that will immortalize their ‘name’ or reputation, rather then God’s. For such hubris, they must have their hopes (and their tower) dashed to pieces.

The story may well have grown out of an earlier Sumerian myth – but also appears to have its roots in a very ‘tower’ (of sorts) which existed in Babylonia thousands of years ago.

5. Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea.

The story of Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea so he and the Israelites could flee Egypt and travel to the Promised Land is one of the most famous stories from the Old Testament.

But was it really the Red Sea or was it, in fact, a Reed Sea? We explore this episode from the Book of Exodus in the post linked to above.

6. David and Goliath.

The story of David and Goliath is one of the most iconic and celebrated tales from the Old Testament. Virtually everyone vaguely acquainted with Bible stories knows that David, as a young boy, slew the giant Goliath.

The story is an inspiring example of how the plucky underdog triumphed against a much stronger opponent. But David wasn’t the underdog, in fact – and, in the first account of this story in the Bible, he wasn’t involved at all! We explore these issues in the post above.

7. Samson and Delilah.

The story of Samson is found in chapters 13-16 of the Book of Judges, in the Old Testament. Samson’s birth is foretold to a childless couple, so his conception is something of a miracle. Everyone knows that Samson’s mighty strength resided in his hair, and everyone knows that Delilah, his lover, cut off his hair and thus deprived him of his strength.

Except the second part of this isn’t strictly true …

8. Daniel in the Lions’ Den.

If it had been composed a little bit later, the Book of Daniel may have been consigned to the pile of texts labelled the ‘Apocrypha’, and the story of Daniel in the lions’ den would not be as well-known as it is. Daniel, a Jewish man living in Babylon during the Babylonian Captivity, is thrown into the lions’ den for praying to God when an edict prohibited it. But God intervenes, and the lions do not harm Daniel.

9. Jonah and the Whale.

Was Jonah, the Old Testament prophet, swallowed by a whale? The Bible doesn’t actually say this – instead it simply mentions a ‘big fish’ – and there are many strange aspects to this short narrative, which has even been labelled as satirical by some commentators, to account for its strangeness.

Jonah is commanded by God to travel to Nineveh and tell the people to repent, but he shirks this responsibility and flees across the Mediterranean. Stormy times at sea follow, and Jonah ends up in the belly of the ‘big fish’ before reluctantly travelling to Nineveh to discharge his duties …

10. The Nativity.

Moving on to the New Testament, we find the best and most well-known stories in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which recount the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

The most detailed and influential account of the birth of Jesus Christ is found in the Gospel of Luke. But Luke’s account, as well as being much more informative than the one we find in the Gospel of Matthew, is the version of events which does the most to strain readerly credulity. We explore some of these details – such as the census requiring Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem – in the above summary and analysis.

11. The Raising of Lazarus.

The raising of Lazarus is one of the miracles performed by Jesus. Like the miracle of turning the water into wine at the wedding at Cana, the raising of Lazarus is mentioned only in the Gospel of John. In the miracle, Jesus raises Lazarus of Bethany from the dead four days after Lazarus had been entombed.

Jesus’ raising of Lazarus also prefigures Jesus’ own triumph over death through his resurrection, three days after the Crucifixion.

12. The Crucifixion and Resurrection.

The most important event or story in the history of Christianity is surely the Crucifixion of Jesus and his Resurrection three days later. Crucifixion, invented in Persia, was a popular method of execution throughout the Roman Empire, but it is now intrinsically bound up with the story of Jesus’ sacrifice and his subsequent return from the dead.

The Bible Is Important Because…

The Bible has been the most influential book in my life. It has guided me as I have surrendered and released control to God.

Why is the Bible important? It solidifies our relationship with Christ, builds trust, and is the “manual” we use to develop our transformed identity and find our Godly purpose. Review these messages:

Neville Goddard – Moses, Elijah And Jesus (with discussion)

Who Really Was Jesus Christ?

Neville Goddard Paul’s Autobiography (with discussion)

Emmett Fox And Manly P Hall On Adam And Eve And The Garden Of Eden

The Mystery Of Melchizedek

Neville Goddard The Book of Job (with discussion)

Neville Goddard The Pearl Of Great Price (with discussion)

Emmett Fox – The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Neville Goddard On The Book Of Revelation (with discussion)

Edgar Cayce’s Amazing Interpretation of The Book Of Revelation

The Law And The Promise By Neville Goddard (Unabridged Audiobook)

Neville Goddard I Am In You (with discussion)

You Are The Power

If You Can Believe

Robert B Stone – Richness Of Mind

Neville Goddard Genesis 3:16 Childbearing (with discussion)

Neville Goddard Many Mansions (with discussion)

Neville Goddard The Law (with discussion)

Neville Goddard – John 10 The Shepherd (with discussion)

Neville Goddard – If Any Two Agree 9with discussion)

Neville Goddard – Invisible Things (with discussion)

The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom Of The Pharaohs

Neville Goddard – You Must Experience God (His Final Lecture)

Neville Goddard – John 10 The Shepherd (with discussion)

Neville Goddard The Law (with discussion)

The Hero’s Journey Of The Soul

Christian D. Larson – How We Become What We Think

Neville Goddard The Word (with discussion)

I would say that is pretty important. But why is it so easy to read other things more than the Bible?

The biggest competitor in the race for our attention is social media.

In an excerpt from an article on Social Media’s effect on our mental health by Mclean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, the reason we spend so much time on social media is explained:

“Social media has a reinforcing nature. Using it activates the brain’s reward center by releasing dopamine, a “feel-good chemical”: The platforms are designed to be addictive and are associated with anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments. According to the Pew Research Center,  69% of adults and 81% of teens  in the U.S. use social media.

This puts a large amount of the population at an increased risk of feeling anxious, depressed, or ill over their social media use. But what makes users come back for more even when it can literally make them feel sick?

“When the outcome is unpredictable, the behavior is more likely to repeat,” Sperling says. “Think of a slot machine: if game players knew they never were going to get money by playing the game, then they never would play. The idea of a potential future reward keeps the machines in use. The same goes for social media sites.

One does not know how many likes a picture will get, who will ‘like’ the picture, and when the picture will receive likes. The unknown outcome and the possibility of a desired outcome can keep users engaged with the sites.”

I am not anti-social media, but I try to be a good steward of my time (not always successfully!) I know the positive influence the Bible has on my life, but I cannot say the same for the time I spend on social media. Having this type of research reminds me to be intentional with my time and what I am allowing myself to be exposed to.

Social media is powerful and can often lead to negative results. But the power found in the words of God is stronger and leads to positive results which answers the question of why is the Bible important.

“Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 NLT

All the Stories of the Bible

This is a five book series that presents all the stories of the Bible, written in an easy to understand conversational style. Each story is presented in its simplest form and is accurate to Scripture.

* The stories are accurate to Scripture

* They are crafted so as to present only the simple understanding of the story.

* Small stories are grouped together with other events.

* Larger stories are broken into two or three units.

* Duplicate stores are blended so they only appear once.

* The stories are crafted into a “spoken” (conversational) style.

* A warning icon is placed on stories that may not be acceptable to children.

In recent years, there has been a dramatic change in how people approach learning. It is now clear they respond to a different type of teaching. Analytical logic no longer dominates teaching/learning. One aspect of this change is that people respond positively to listening and learning stories. It must be a part of the Christian educational process for adults as well as children.

Another major difference in our society is how few Bible stories people know. Bible stories were not emphasized in their homes. As children, they attended children’s programs where teachers were not taught how to tell Bible stories accurately and in an interesting way. As adults, they sat through sermons that only referred to Bible stories without telling them. Pastors simply said, “And of course, we know that story.” 

Bible Telling is the rebirth of an old method of teaching the Bible. 75% of the Bible was written in a story format. 15% was written in some form of poetry. The goal of Bible Telling is to restore Bible stories to their proper place in Christian ministry.

Book 1: Beginnings (Stories 1-52)

These stories go from Creation to the Death of Moses. After the events of the ancient world, the main emphasis is on Abraham and Moses. Abraham and his family form the beginning of God’s new nation. Moses develops this nation and gives it an official start. Click Here To View Stories 1-52 (PDF)

List of stories
1. Creation27. Sold into Slavery 
2. Adam and Eve28. Judah 
3. Fall 29. Joseph’s Rise to Power 
4. Cain and Abel 30. Joseph’s Family Reunion 
5. The Flood 31. The Birth of Moses 
6. World after the Flood32. Finding a Wife 
7. Call of Abraham 33. Call of Moses 
8. Melchizedek 34. Zipporah
9. The God Who Sees Me 35. Straw for Bricks
10. Promise of Isaac 36. Pharaoh’s Plagues
11. Bargaining with God 37. The Passover 
12. Sodom and Gomorrah38. Crossing the Red Sea
13. She’s My Sister39. What Is It?
14. God Hears40. The Lord My Banner 
15. Trial of Abraham41. The Law 
16. Beer-Sheba42. The Golden Calf 
17. Rebekah43. The Tabernacle  
18. Selling the Birthright44. Unholy Fire
19. She’s My Sister II 45. Graves of the Craving 
20. Well Digger 46. Spitting in Her Face 
21. Stolen Blessing  47. Twelve Spies 
22. Jacob’s Two Wives  48. Korah’s Rebellion 
23. Speckled Spotted & Streaked49. Speak to the Rock 
24. Leaving Laban 50. Balaam’s Donkey 
25. Two Camps51. Balaam’s Prophecy 
26. Dinah 52. The Death of Moses
Book 2: Building a Nation (Stories 53-113)

These stories go from Joshua to the Death of David. It starts with the exciting events surrounding Joshua and all the Judges. God then gives Samuel the job of introducing the kingdom. After the failure of king Saul, David builds the kingdom to world dominance.  Click Here To View Stories 53-113   List of stories
53. Rahab84 Annointing of Daid
54. Crossing Jordan85 Goliath
55. Jericho86. David Earns a Wife
56. Achan87. Protecting David
57. Sun Standing Still88. Three Arrows
58. Joshua’s Farewell89. Running from Saul
59. Job’s Three Friends90 Sparing Saul’s Life
60. Othniel & Ehud91. Abigail
61. Deborah & Barak92. Sparing God’s Anointed
62. Gideon’s Fleece93. Staying by the Stuff
63. Three Hundred Men94. The Witch of Endor
64. King of Trees95. Death of Saul & Jonathan
65. Jephthah’s Vow96. Joab & Abner
66. The Birth of Samson97. David Made King
67. Strong & Sweet98. David’s Mighty Men
68. Foxes and a Jawbone99. Moving the Ark
69. Samson & Delilah100. Building an Empire
70. Grandson of Moses101. Ammonites
71. Prelude to War102. Bathsheba
72. Brides for Benjamin103. Nathan’s Story
73. Naomi & Ruth104. Tamar
74. Boaz & Ruth105. Absalom’s Return
75. The Call of Samuel106. Absalom’s Revolt
76. Ark of God Captured107. Absalom’s Defeat
77. Ark of God Returned108. David’s Kingdom Restored
78. Ebenezer109. Wise Woman of Abel
79. Saul Made King110. Ethnic Cleansing
80. Peace for an Eye111. Numbering of the People
81. Failing the Test112. Transfer of Power
82. Jonathan’s Victory113. Death of David & Joab
83. Saul’s Disobedience 
Book 3: Path Down to Captivity (Stories 114-161)

This set of stories has a great beginning, but goes down to the destruction of all that Israel values. There are four main parts, the glory of Solomon, the two kingdoms going deeper into sin, the great prophets of Israel, and people going into captivity.  Click Here To View Stories 114-161 (PDF)   List of stories
 114. Wisdom of Solomon 138. Elisha Crying
 115. Building the Temple 139. Jehu
 116. Queen of Sheba 140. Jezebel
 117. Kingdom Divided 141. Athaliah
 118. Jeroboam’s Sin 142. Joash
 119. The Old Prophet 143. Death of Elisha
 120. Rehoboam & Jeroboam 144. Jonah & the Fish
 121. Abijah & Asa 145. Jonah & the Vine
 122. Elijah and the Widow 146. Thistle & the Cedar
 123. Elijah on Mount Carmel 147. Uzziah
 124. Elijah on Mt Horeb 148. Ahaz
 125. The Wounded Prophet 149. Israel in Captivity
 126. Naboth’s Vineyard 150. Hezekiah
 127. Jehoshaphat & Ahab 151. King of Assyria
 128. Jehoshaphat’s Victory 152. Fifteen Years
 129. Captain of 50 153. Evil King Who Repented
 130. Elijah in the Whirlwind 154. A Book is Found
 131. Ditches of Water 155. Josiah’s Reforms
 132. Oil, Stew, Bread, and an Ax 156. Broken Pot
 133. Shunammite Woman 157. Burning the Book
 134. Naaman 158. Two Baskets of Figs
 135. Gehazi 159 Jerusalem Under Siege
 136. Blind Soldiers 160.  A Well of Mud
 137. Four Lepers 161. Going to Egypt
Book 4: Beauty From Ashes (Stories 162-219)

This set of stories starts with Judah in captivity and ends with Messiah ascending into heaven. It includes all the stories in the life of Christ.  Click Here To View Stories 162-219 (PDF)     List of stories
162. Valley of Dry Bones191. Calming Two Storms
163. Daniel’s Decision192. Twelve Years
164. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream193. Pool of Bethesda
165. Furnace Full of Fire194. John Beheaded
166. Becoming a Wild Animal195. Meal & a Walk
167. Handwriting on the Wall196. Bread of Life
168. Den of Lions197. Feeding 4,000
169. Rebuilding the Temple198. Caught in Immorality
170. Ezra199 Man Born Blind
171. Rebuilding the Walls200. Transfiguration
172. Esther Becomes Queen201. Paying Temple Tax
173. Esther Saves Her People202. Rich Man and Lazarus
174. Gabriel’s Announcement203. Seventy Times Seven
175. The Birth of Jesus204. Good Samaritan
176. Gifts for the King205. Lost Sheep, Coin, & Son
177. Twelve Years Old206. Lepers, Judge, & Pride
178. Baptism & Temptation207. Raising Lazarus
179. Water to Wine208. The Great, the Rich, & the Poor
180. New Birth209. Triumphal Entry
181. Woman at the Well210. Last Week of Ministry
182. Rejected in Nazareth211. The Last Supper
183. Fishing for People212. Gethsemane
184. Sermon on the Mount213. Trial Before Jews
185. Forgiving Sins214. Trial Before Romans
186. Calling the Twelve215. Crucifixion
187. A Roman and a Funeral216. Resurrection.
188. Forgiven and Grateful217. Road to Emmaus
189. Four Soils218. Winning Back Two Disciples
190. Teaching with Stories219. Commission, Ascension & Waiting
Book 5: Work of the Holy Spirit (Stories 220-255)

These stories basically surround the Book of Acts. It gives all the stories of Acts, but also includes the epistles written during the time frame of the Book of Acts. It ends with the last two chapters of Revelation. Click Here To View Stories 220-255 (PDF)   List of stories
220. Coming of the Holy Spirit248. 2nd Letter to Thessalonians
221. Crippled Man Healed239. Mob in Corinth
222. Ananias & Sapphira240. Riot at Ephesus
223. Apostles and Deacons241. 1st Letter to Corinthians (1)
224. First Christian Martyr242. 1st Letter to Corinthians (2)
225. Ministry of Philip243. 2nd Letter to Corinthians (1)
226. Conversion of Saul244. 2nd Letter to Corinthians (2)
227. Healing of Dorcas245. Letter to Romans (1)
228. Cornelius, 1st Gentile246. Letter to Romans (2)
229. Christians at Antioch247. Going to Jerusalem
230. Jail Break248. Riot in Jerusalem
231. First Missionary Journey249. Plot to Kill
232. From Worship to Stoning250. Felix, Festus, & Agrippa
233. Keeping Jewish Laws251. Storm at Sea
234. Letter to the Galatians252. Shipwreck & Rome
235. Singing in Jail253. Philemon
236. Riots and Laughter254. New Heaven & New Earth
237. 1st Letter to Thessalonians255. New Jerusalem

The most famous stories in the Bible

  1. The Crucifixion of Jesus
  2. The Birth at Bethlehem
  3. Adam and Eve: Emmett Fox And Manly P Hall On Adam And Eve And The Garden Of Eden
  4. The Good Samaritan
  5. The 10 Commandments
  6. The Prodigal Son
  7. Noah’s Ark
  8. David and Goliath
  9. Daniel in the Lions’ Den
  10. The Feeding of the 5000

The Main Stories in the Bible

  • The Birth of Jesus ( Luke 2.1–7 and Matthew 2.1–12)
  • Noah’s Ark ( Genesis 6.9–9.17)
  • The Good Samaritan ( Luke 10.25–37)
  • The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus ( Mark 15.20–41; Matthew 28.1–21)
  • The Exodus ( Exodus 14.1–31)
  • David and Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17.1–58)
  • The Ten Commandments ( Deuteronomy 5.1–22)
  • Jesus feeds the five thousand ( Mark 6.31–44)

Frequently Asked Questions and Conclusion

Who are these spiritual programs intended for?

They intended for everyone, regardless of biblical knowledge. They are intended for those who would like more advanced studies. They are intended for those who want to study seminary-level classes.

Do I need to take the classes in a specific order?

We recommend taking the classes in the order presented, as each subsequent class will build on material from previous classes.

Thank you for your time in reviewing this information. I hope you understand how we have helped others and how we can help you. consider: Bob Proctor’s Success Puzzle

Wishing you prosperity and success. Remember You Were Born To Win!!

Michael Kissinger

Phone: 650-515-7545

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